ring in the sales – GeographicFarm.com http://geographicfarm.com Cost-effective Real Estate Business Development Sat, 06 May 2023 01:13:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.25 PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 4 — Chris Morrison http://geographicfarm.com/blog/podcast-ring-sales-episode-3-chris-morrison/ http://geographicfarm.com/blog/podcast-ring-sales-episode-3-chris-morrison/#respond Fri, 23 Feb 2018 08:10:13 +0000 https://geographicfarm.com/?p=1586 In Episode 3 of Ring in the Sales, Chime & GeographicFarm spoke with Chris Morrison, associate broker and co-founder of Launch Real Estate in Phoenix, AZ. Chris talked about how he developed his first real estate company and how agents can automate … Read More

The post PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 4 — Chris Morrison appeared first on GeographicFarm.com.

In Episode 3 of Ring in the Sales, Chime & GeographicFarm spoke with Chris Morrison, associate broker and co-founder of Launch Real Estate in Phoenix, AZ. Chris talked about how he developed his first real estate company and how agents can automate their processes.


How did you found GeographicFarm?


I was taking a coaching call from my coach, Christina, and I was getting my mailing pieces out — it was working, everything was going out, the graphic design was on par. And I wasn’t having to do it myself, I had an actual designer doing it — and everything was going out smoothly.

So, my coach is like: “Gosh, you get everything out every single week; I have so many of my coaching clients I have to hound and hound… How do you get this done?” And I said, “I have a graphic designer and I know what I want. I make decisions quick, I know where to get printing, I know the mailing house that I like to use. I know how to get the best deal on postage, and I know which ones I want to mail to versus which ones I don’t. I know how to decide which area is going to be the best area to go after. And she’s like: “Everybody needs this product.” So, I say: “Why don’t we call it GeographicFarm?” So, she says: “Okay, your coaching assignment is to send me a business outline for this.”

So, I did, and that’s how GeographicFarm was formed.

Basically, it was formed out of a need where you have all these agents who shouldn’t be sitting there on Microsoft Word trying to decide on some postcard. Real estate agents have a way of making things extremely ugly when they do it themselves. But, if they bring in somebody who’s really good at what they do… Basically, we found that real estate agents that are on top of their game need an automated system to be able to be consistent in what they do. And that’s how it was formed.

Listen to the whole thing here.



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PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 3 — Nick Dreher http://geographicfarm.com/blog/podcast-ring-in-the-sales-episode-2-nick-dreher/ http://geographicfarm.com/blog/podcast-ring-in-the-sales-episode-2-nick-dreher/#respond Thu, 22 Feb 2018 06:12:49 +0000 https://geographicfarm.com/?p=1582 Are you familiar with Chime & GeographicFarm’s new podcast? Ring in the Sales features discussions with real estate thought leaders. The second episode included special guest Nick Dreher. He talked with us about habits successful agents can create in their day-to-day … Read More

The post PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 3 — Nick Dreher appeared first on GeographicFarm.com.

Are you familiar with Chime & GeographicFarm’s new podcast? Ring in the Sales features discussions with real estate thought leaders. The second episode included special guest Nick Dreher. He talked with us about habits successful agents can create in their day-to-day business. Here’s a sample:


You’ve met and worked with a lot of real estate agents. What do wish agents would stop doing?


I’d like agents to ask themselves what their goal is every day. If you work for someone else, there are set things you must do every day. The most difficult thing from a real estate perspective is following that kind of a pattern without the structure of working for someone else. If you can apply that method to your real estate business, you’ll be successful.


What can a real estate agent start doing this week to begin creating successful methods?


I’d suggest figuring out what you make per transaction, then divide that into the amount you want to make this year. That will give you the number of transactions you need to meet that goal. Then, you can use the other tips we’ve discussed to determine what you need to do every day.

Listen to the whole thing right here!



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PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 2 — Alyssa Glutz http://geographicfarm.com/blog/podcast-ring-sales-episode-1-alyssa-glutz/ http://geographicfarm.com/blog/podcast-ring-sales-episode-1-alyssa-glutz/#respond Tue, 20 Feb 2018 22:03:11 +0000 https://geographicfarm.com/?p=1579 Have you checked out the Chime & GeographicFarm podcast? It’s called Ring in the Sales, and features conversations with thought leaders in the real estate world. The first episode included special guest, Alyssa Glutz from Cherry Creek Mortgage, who discussed some great … Read More

The post PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 2 — Alyssa Glutz appeared first on GeographicFarm.com.

Have you checked out the Chime & GeographicFarm podcast? It’s called Ring in the Sales, and features conversations with thought leaders in the real estate world.

The first episode included special guest, Alyssa Glutz from Cherry Creek Mortgage, who discussed some great tips for agents to create a consistent pipeline of buyers, as well as how to take advantage of Alyssa’s unique Color Your Credit system to build your business and impact people’s lives. Here’s a quick sample of the podcast:


If you were to give agents one piece of advice for how to really impact their business, what would it be?


Find a group of 20 renters you want to mentor… You’re not gonna charge them — you’re giving them a scholarship to be part of your Color My Money Club. You’re bringing the influence for them… and then you’re doing nothing more but taking the content that I provide on Color My Credit and you’re giving it to them, via email or starting your own Facebook group, or doing something to create your own little club that you can influence. In the end, your goal is to make 20 renters into home buyers in a year.



Do you have advice for how agents can find those 20 renters they want to work with?


I always tell agents when you’re working an open house, or you get on the phone with a prospect and you feel that hesitancy, you can stop and say: “Hey, I don’t know if credit is something that has held you back, but my partner is a credit educator, and I have this great credit education that’s free. It’s a free system that will help you by making an impact on your life… What’s going to hold you back?”

Listen to the whole thing by clicking here.

The post PODCAST: Ring in the Sales, Episode 2 — Alyssa Glutz appeared first on GeographicFarm.com.

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